What problems are deal breakers for you and what problems are you willing to take on?
Whether you are a good match with a potential partner or not comes down to degrees and dynamics. For example, how many differences, how intense or wide the spread is, how important the values are that differ, and how you process the contrasts between you. Although some of these red flags definitely warrant a greater degree of caution than others, no single flag is necessarily a deal-breaker in itself (unless it is for you, in which case you don’t need me to tell you!).
Family & Friends
OK, let’s just get this one out of the way right out the gate. If you don’t like your partner’s family (particularly their parents), or most of their friends, this is a huge flag. As mentioned, it is a question of degree. If one parent strikes you as moderately difficult and you can talk about it together with your partner then that might be workable. If both parents…